Monday, August 27, 2012

A Word about the political environment and your Insurance company

As the elections get closer, politics seems to be on the forefront of everyone's mind, we are no different.  With the direction of the country hanging in the balance and the tone of the discussions being Capitalism vs Socialism, we feel its important to note who your insurance company supports with the money you give them.

Rather then get into our decision for who our insurance company will be (Nationwide) and why we chose them, we feel you doing your own research is much more important.  We do feel its important to link to the resources we used to make our decision though.

Progressive (our old insurer) Tons of information on them and some of it as recent as last month.  They have been linked to the Occupy movement but you have to dig deep to find it.

Geico (the one we were considering switching to)

Nationwide seems to be the balanced but we didn't like their price.  Not a lot of information in the news but we found some information on their CEO.  As the leader goes, so goes the organization over time. (the one we decided to switch to)

Using the above links we found Nationwide to be who we feel aligns within our best interest for the political environment today.

Choose who you spend your money with and vote with your dollars, if you don't, they will.

Update:  We went with Allstate because they seemed to be the most neutral and supportive of both parties.  Most businesses support some sort of politics, we just feel they shouldn't be biased.  Personally they can support a Golden Retriever for President if they like, just not as a business.  The business should remain neutral, now that holds true unless your name is tied to your business.

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